Testing Center
Career Readiness Certification Testing (WorkKeys)
High School Equivalency Testing
About the Testing Centers
Whether you are a new student, a current student, or a community member, the Rowan-Cabarrus Testing Centers offer a professional setting for you to take your exams. We currently have Testing Centers at both our North and South Campus locations. We are committed to providing you with quality proctoring support from qualified and fully trained staff. Through our Testing Centers, we offer many different testing and assessment services, including:
Academic Testing
If you need to take a make-up exam as directed by your instructor, you may take your test(s) in one of our Testing Centers.
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)
ASE is a professional certification for individuals in the automotive repair and service industry. It is usually required by employers for those interested in pursuing a career in automotive mechanic or automotive technician service. Once you register for the exam through the ASE website, give us a call to schedule an appointment at our South Campus location.
Career Readiness Certification Testing (WorkKeys)
North Carolina’s Career Readiness Certification (CRC) serves as a portable credential that certifies the essential skills for workplace success. The CRC is a valid predictor of job performance and is based upon WorkKeys, a nationally recognized skills assessment tool developed by ACT.
Credit For Prior Learning
The Testing Centers at North and South Campus offer CLEP (College Level Examination Program) and DSST exams. These exams allow you to earn college credit and complete your degree faster. CLEP and DSST are done by an appointment basis only.
High School Equivalency (GED/HiSET) Testing
Earn your High School Equivalency diploma at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. We currently offer the GED testing through Pearson VUE and the HiSET through PSI.
High Stakes/Professional Testing
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is an authorized testing site for Pearson-VUE. We also administer Health Programs Admissions testing, such as KAPLAN and TEAS.
Placement Testing
Testing for skill levels ensures placement into appropriate initial courses.
Proctoring Services
Rowan-Cabarrus offers proctoring services for students who take correspondence, continuing education, or distance learning courses from other colleges and universities. There is a $20.00 proctoring fee per test for community members. Currently enrolled Rowan-Cabarrus students who need proctoring for other schools receive the student rate of $10.00 per test.
If you have questions or require further information regarding testing, please feel free to contact Kathy Hall (kathy.hall@garfie1d.com, 704-216-3468), Director of Assessment and Credit for Prior Learning, or reach out to the Testing Centers at testingcenter@garfie1d.com.